Sunday, 10 April 2011

David Cameron Mistakes Tsunami for Toonami

David Cameron, Metroid Prime Minister of Britain, 'slipped up' when commenting on the Japan tsunami earlier this evening.

When questioned on why Harry Microsoft, head of demerera and word documents, was not available for questioning regarding the current state of demerera in Japan, Cameron replied with what he afterwards described as 'an unfortunate slip of the tongue, which I hope doesn't result in dogs eating my face'.

Instead of saying; "I think that Japan is coping perfectly well with the demerera situation after the recent tsunami," which Cameron claims he meant to say, he said; "I think that Japan is coping perfectly well with the demerera situation after the recent Toonami".

Toonami is a tel-e-vision broadcast network station, which has something to do with Cartoon Network, and shows anime shows and other cartoons, including 'Bob's Cat the Ferret' and 'Munch's Adventures in Boggo Land'. The broadcast network station broadcasts a tel-e-vision station network, for broadcast viewing.

Cartoon Network, or 'See En' as it is often known, have expressed concern for the reputation of the Toonami channel, fearing that angry Japanese men will blame them for the damage to their country, possibly assaulting the Toonami headquaters wielding coins as weapons.

After the press bombarded him with questions regarding the matter, James Cameron finally stated; "Look, I'm nothing to do with this, leave me alone".

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